Who's Paul?
You’ll hear this from every single motoring enthusiast and while it’s incredibly cliche, I grew up loving cars. I couldn’t get enough of them and knew I needed a career in the automotive industry.
The difference between me and the rest of the crowd was that at age 17 I created my first automotive website. At age 18 I convinced a reluctant Mitsubishi to loan me my first test vehicle (it was a Pajero SUV).
Several years later, my website was sold to one of Australia’s leading automotive publications, CarAdvice.com.
Since then, I have written for numerous other publications, including several daily and weekly local, national and international newspapers, motoring magazines and websites.
That experience expanded to radio where I went on to co-host a national motoring radio program on the Macquarie Radio Network and video where I have produced thousands of car reviews and bespoke motoring video content.
One of my most treasured moments was getting behind the wheel of and driving the world’s fastest car (well, it was at the time) – the Bugatti Veyron.
As the youngest member of the media in the world to set foot on the pedals of the colossally fast German, I was most certainly terrified. The experience was invaluable and certainly a memorable one.
The writing style I aim for targets average punters and speaks to the values and characteristics of the car. A Nissan Patrol buyer doesn’t want to know about handling, or how easy the car is to park, likewise a Ford Fiesta driver doesn’t need to know about off-road ability or top-speed records.
My industry experience is also bolstered with a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Top 400 World Universities ranked Swinburne University, Melbourne.

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